Allora Collective

How I got here… 

The first time I moved abroad, I was 18 years old, far from family and friends. At 20, I relocated  to the north of Germany. Once there, I went for my first solo trip and discovered digital nomadism, a concept that was still relatively unknown before the pandemic. By 22, I became a digital nomad within Europe, and by 24, I had expanded my nomadic lifestyle to a worldwide scale. Since then, I have visited more than 30 countries, embracing the freedom and challenges that come with being a digital nomad.

If you have considered becoming a digital nomad, you’ve probably realized that there are many factors to consider: visas, time zone differences, reliable internet access, cost of living, and local cultural norms, to name a few. Each new location brings its own set of challenges and rewards, requiring thorough planning and adaptability.

I transitioned my career from tourism to HR and have been thriving in this field for five years now. My journey in Talent Acquisition started from a desire to bring new opportunities to people. Over the years, I’ve recruited and hired talent for various companies in different markets, including onsite, hybrid, and fully remote positions. As a recruiter, when I interview candidates, I aim to be brief, straight to the point, and help candidates prepare effectively for the next stages of their interview process.

I’ve had the privilege of helping two startups secure their seed rounds, and one of them reached their Series A funding. My work and perseverance have also led me to participate in the DEI program for a large company like OLX Group, where I’ve been raising the voice of the LGBT community specially. 

Being a digital nomad and working in HR has taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning. My advice to anyone considering this path is to prepare meticulously, stay open to new experiences, and never underestimate the power of a supportive network. Embrace the journey with all its ups and downs, and you’ll find it to be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

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Big Change Requires Big Risk
But You Don't Have To Do It Alone